How a Pet Finds You When It’s Just Right

A.M. Radulescu
8 min readApr 29, 2021

adopting Ron Weasley the cat

I’ve always been a cat lover. Cats are awesome, majestic creatures, albeit a tad fickle and temperamental. You have to earn a cat’s love, it’s not just handed to you “free of charge”. And once given, never take it for granted, for it’s a precious thing. Adopting a cat changes your life; you just need to have the right perspective, keep an open mind, and more importantly, an open heart, and an abundance of lessons will be coming your way.

That’s exactly what I did with my first cat, Miti, a stray to stay that impacted me in more ways than one could imagine, during our 15 years together. I was barely 11 when my family rescued her, so she got to see me segue from a misty-eyed child to an antsy teenager and finally to a self-assured young woman.

She was my childhood, my innocence, my awakening.

More about Miti and what she taught me, here:

After she passed away, I couldn’t imagine having another cat. Not yet, anyway. It felt disloyal and just plain wrong, like I was replacing her with a newer model. My parents — with whom I was living at the time — were even more opposed than me. Her passing hit them pretty hard and they wanted to spare themselves the inevitable heartache. I didn’t necessarily agree with their vision long-term, but I understood.

Fast-forward three years

As many stories go, I met a guy, we fell in love and decided to move in together, just the two of us. He wasn’t a cat aficionado — being more of a dog person — but he was opened to the idea. That was all I needed and on this openness, I built my campaign. Time had healed my wounds and I was ready to shower another gentle soul with love. After all, that’s the main thing that Miti had shown me: love is the most powerful force in the world and it’s worth everything.

After a few months of enjoying our newfound freedom and independence, (each of us had left his original nest) we decided that starting January 1st we’ll begin to pour over the adoption sites. #adoptdontshop. The plan was to put the winter holidays behind us, so we could focus all our attention on this very important endeavor.

Little did we know that the universe had something different in store for us because at the beginning of December one of my dearest friends sent me some pictures of a poor kitten found in a car exhaust pipe, during a thunderstorm. Hesitant at first (we had a plan, after all), I opened them and saw something shocking — it was the cat of our dreams, the one we conjured in our minds and “saved” for future reference. A two months old ginger male, in desperate need of a forever home.

Just look at that face

It was absolute torture for a few moments, but after careful (and quick) deliberation I burst into my boyfriend’s office and declared: “This is Ron Weasley the cat and he’s gonna be ours!” To his credit, he took one look at the pictures, one look at my face, and immediately agreed. You just can’t leave an opportunity like this to pass you by. Whatever we thought we needed, Ron knew better.

Ron Weasley the cat

Yes, I’m a big Harry Potter fan. So the naming was a no-brainer. He was an adorable ginger boy, so… yeah, Ron Weasley it was.

No caption needed

Decision made, we contacted the amazing human who found him and arranged for the adoption. When she brought him to us from the vet a few days later, a hushed silence fell over my boyfriend and me. Somehow, we knew that from that moment on, our lives would never be the same. They couldn’t be. Not when our hearts were almost bursting at the seams just looking at his tiny paws or pink little nose. He was just perfect. I’m aware most parents (of human and furry children alike) say that, but he was. Eyes of molten honey, the robe of a cub tiger, and the attitude of a prince, he was a fierce little thing. Inquisitive from the start, inspecting his newfound domain with the confidence of one who knew he will lord over the entire territory soon enough.

Baby Ron in a nutshell. Seriously, how could anyone resist him?

Adjusting period

Falling head over hills, we went into “parent mode”, being constantly on watch and making sure the prince had everything he needed and didn’t get into too much trouble. To that effect, we closed off all the rooms apart from the spacious living room, where we temporarily put his litter and food. The little rascal was always hiding behind the sofa or under the coffee table, often crawling on his belly, so only his butt would stick out; playing with everything around him. It was both hilarious and adorable.

The first time he made his voice known was about two weeks after we got him, when he somehow managed to get caught in the drapes. My boyfriend immediately catapulted himself toward the living room and rescued the miscreant, arranging the drapes more securely afterward. Talk about a scare.

Not gonna lie, Ron was a bit of a challenge, forever looking for mischief. Quite reminiscent of his namesake.

For me, it was a pretty big adjustment because it had been ages since I cared for a kitten. Besides, back then my parents (and initially reluctant grandma) had matters well in hand, while I mostly provided the entertainment part of the routine. Well, things were different now. For starters, I was a grown woman of 29, living with a grown man. Fortunately for me, my boyfriend was a natural. Being an older brother and man of his initial household, he took to his “fatherhood” like a fish to water. Ever patient and loving, but also extremely attentive, with a “let’s get our hands dirty” attitude, he exhibited the perfect combination of traits necessary for his new function. Well, almost, if we don’t count the spoiling. But honestly, have you seen Ron?

Mischief managed

One of Ron’s most infamous adventures was when he slipped our notice and jumped in the toilet, which resulted in an immediate bath. It could not be helped, considering his paws were blue from the toilet refresher. He didn’t much like the experience, especially the drying part, but he was a pretty decent sport in the end. Humour aside, it was astonishing to see my 6'2 feet boyfriend gently rubbing the 3 months old bundle, cooing the whole time and whispering sweet nothings, before going to warm up some milk for the prince. And so, my heart grew even bigger.

When we expanded his territory, there was even more terrain to roam and conquer. Needless to say that as time went by glasses were broken, flowers uprooted, socks stolen, food pilfered (from juicy steaks to plain old bread, fruit, and vegetables, you name it). A box or a bag were never safe again. And of course, I should mention the chewing — ranging from door frames, our hands, and even laptops. Everything was up for grabs and could be turned into a play thing. Utterly entertaining and also, stress relieving for us humans.

Ron’s shenanigans

The love

Despite his antics and strong personality, Ron grew up to be extremely loving. Not surprising, considering we raised him with mountains of affection. He’s one year and a half now and in all this time, his devotion for us became all the more pronounced.

Like many others during this prolonged pandemic, we became mostly house-bound, so for the better part of his life, we were always there. Which meant, of course, that he needs to be constantly appraised of our specific whereabouts and activities. To leave him out of anything is considered outrageous by his Highness and closed doors have become anathema. The penalty? Gut wrenching mewling.

Ron is always following us around, showering us with kisses, jumping on our laps as soon as our behinds touch a soft surface. He’s the most affectionate cat ever while being the biggest doofus of them all. The perfect, most engaging combination.

As for myself, it’s hard to put into words how much I love him. Sometimes, when he jumps on my lap and drapes a paw possessively over me, I just stare at him dumbfounded and whisper: “You’re a miracle.” And he is. One look into his big, honest eyes renders me speechless. How can someone so little mean this… much?

If Miti was my childhood, my innocence, my awakening, Ron represents my true coming of age. With him, I finally reached the point where I’m contemplating motherhood (yes, the other kind). He inspires me, soothes me, fills my heart to the brink, and also prepares me for what’s to come. Not to mention, through his presence, I got a glimpse into my boyfriend’s paternal side. Hint, it’s wonderful! Life with Ron is intriguing, never boring, and somewhere along the way it made me really come into my own, through and through.

Miti taught me that love is endless and unconditional, while Ron showed me that the universe has a way of making things happen when it’s the right time, and not when you wish it. You just need to be prepared and work on yourself first. Have patience and faith, it’s actually possible. Everything is.

The little bundle of energy and fluff has turned into a handsome boy, while I became more prepared, more confident, more well rounded, more enlightened. Whereas, my significant other and I have reached a new level of connection, understanding, unity. All thanks to this guy.


Two different cats, two different times, two different coming of age stories. Both precious in their own way. I will never forget Miti, but love is meant to be shared, not bottled up in fear. And this is what I’m doing now: loving Ron Weasley the cat with a fierceness and tenderness worthy of the wonderful furball that he is. And besides, Ron is only one year and a half. Just imagine what other things he’ll inspire in us in the long years to come? :)

Adopt, don’t shop!

Picture via trendingcustoms. Not exactly accurate, but right enough

story originally published on Vocal Media



A.M. Radulescu

Certified bookworm, published author, hopeful dreamer, advertising professional. Writing about life and self-growth.